Thank you for a successful and positive year!

It must come from the heart if it is to have an effect on the heart.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe already knew that. With these words, we look back positively on a successful year at the end of the year and thank you for the successful collaboration and the trust you have placed in us in 2023.

One thing is certain for us: we will continue what has proven successful in the future and continue to work with passion to improve the everyday lives of children and young people with disabilities. This year, we are once again foregoing Christmas presents. Instead, we traditionally support various organisations and projects throughout the year. Welche Spenden wir in 2023 getätigt haben, erfahrt ihr unten in der Sammlung unserer Spenden-Beiträge. Denn wir möchten nicht nur klassisch zur Weihnachtszeit Gutes tun und etwas zurückgeben.

And above all: giving hope.

We wish you and your families, your employees and colleagues a peaceful and reflective Christmas and a successful start to the New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Overview of our donations in 2023.

Youth welfare in Osnabrück becomes (more) mobile

The lack of mobility had been a problem for Don Bosco Jugendhilfe for some time. A car is needed so that group trips can continue to take place.