Youth welfare in Osnabrück becomes (more) mobile

Ford Transit for the Don Bosco youth welfare centre

Don Bosco Jugendhilfe is a recognised youth and integration aid facility run by the Episcopal See of Osnabrück. They offer outpatient and (partially) inpatient help for children, adolescents, young adults and families in difficult life situations.

They develop new perspectives in order to secure a place in society for children and young people. This development process is always characterised by the biography, material situation and personal resources of these young people.

A car for more flexibility

Schon seit längerem war die eingeschränkte Mobilität für die Don Bosco Jugendhilfe ein Problem. Ein weiteres Auto muss her, damit Gruppenausflüge, Abholfahrten und vieles mehr weiterhin stattfinden können. Dieses Fahrzeug soll nun durch Spenden und Sponsoren finanziert werden.

Limited mobility has been a problem for Don Bosco Jugendhilfe for some time now. Another car is needed so that group excursions, pick-up trips and much more can continue to take place.This vehicle is now to be financed by donations and sponsors.We have also made a donation towards the car.We are delighted to be able to make a contribution to the flexibility and mobility of the youth welfare organisation. As we were told at the donation handover, the decision was made in favour of a Ford Transit Bulli, which is already being used for many journeys. These include, for example, organised pick-up trips to daycare centres and special schools, trips to workshops for the disabled, trips to therapists and doctors, meetings with social services and youth welfare offices and, of course, exciting leisure trips to city festivals, the zoo and much more!