Three questions for …

… Diana Lucic

Our team has many different faces who sit in front of the PC, stand at the workbench and travel many kilometres by car to be on site with you every day for our products. And to give you an idea of who is behind our products, we introduce you to a new member of the Schuchmann team every month under the motto “Three questions for”.

Today we introduce you to Diana Lucic. Diana works in our work preparation department and, among other things, ensures that production orders are planned and scheduled correctly, taking into account the specified production capacities.

1. Diana, do you work in the profession you originally learnt?

I would say yes. As a trained industrial clerk, the range of tasks is very broad. Here in work preparation, we try to implement all measures to enable production. We want to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible for our colleagues in assembly.

2. Where are you in your element?

That’s easy: If I can spend time with my grandchildren!

3. Which era would you travel to if you had the chance?

I would love to travel back to the 1840s and 1900s. The Victorian era impresses me on many levels and I find the fashion of the time particularly fascinating. Far removed from the social and political problems of the time, I would love to experience the art, culture and fashion of the Victorian era.

Thank you Diana for the insight into your everyday life and your daily work at Schuchmann.